Participation is open to all artists and craftspeople who exhibit work of original concept, design and execution. All work must be original. No work will be exhibited which has been made with the use of commercial kits, molds, patterns, plans, stencils or prefabricated forms. The Fair seeks to maintain the highest standards for both artist and viewing public.
Mixed media, fine arts and crafts only. Original work – no hobby crafts or greenware. Examples: painting in all media, print making, photography, digital art, basketry, weaving, textiles, pottery, jewelry, sculpture, wood working, scrimshaw, metal and glass making.
Email photos: (3 photos of work and 1 of booth) to portsideartsfair@gmail.com UNLESS you exhibited in 2024. (Include Portside in subject line) $125 per 10′ x 12′ assigned space. Portside is limited to 75 entries. Deadline is July 1 or until full. Notification is approximately 2 weeks. You must exhibit Saturday and Sunday. Mail payment to Portside Arts Fair, PO Box 1355, East Jordan MI 49727.
Friday setup is available from 2:00-8:00 p.m. only. Saturday setup is 7:00-8:30 a.m. Overnight parking at the park and parking lots is prohibited. Map is not to scale.
A professional juror will award blue ribbons for best of show for a 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional body of work and a cash prize of $500.00 each. Two honorable mention ribbons will also be awarded in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional categories and will include a booth fee voucher for the 2026 show. Ribbons and cash prize will be awarded in the student/college category as well.
Portside does not charge commission fees. Artists must submit 6% Michigan State Sales Tax directly to the State of Michigan.
All exhibits to be shown at the owner’s risk. Exhibitors are responsible for their own displays. Portside reserves the right to refuse any entry inconsistent with submitted photos.
Ads in art fair/tourist publications, local newspapers; postcards, posters, road signage/banners, event websites and radio/TV announcements.
E-mail: portsideartsfair@gmail.com or Chris Wilhelm (231).675.4841.